Getting Free Assistance With Academic Research Papers

Being a student, you often have to live a frugal life. There is a reason why the stereotypical image of students living off Ramen noodles exists; because it is the reality in many cases. As such, student, you will not have much money to acquire the assistance of lucrative tutoring service who can charge up to thousands per hour. Sometimes, even a reputable research paper writing service can set you back a lot of money. There are many avenues you can use to getting free assistance with academic research papers.


You can fine various samples of papers, both online and offline. Outside of the Internet, you can pay your professor a visit, who will no doubt have a variety of different sample to give you from past students. It is a good idea, if your professor doesn’t, to them of roughly what level each sample is. This will give you a good target of what to aim for with your own paper.

There are also a plethora of research papers online that you can use as samples. For example, a research paper service may have multiple samples to show students of the past work that they have produced. These can be very helpful when ascertaining the quality of a writing agency, however, they can also be used as free assistance for your own academic research paper.

Online Boards

Online messaging boards are also a useful source of information when writing your academic paper. They can host a variety of different topics based on your subject. The best boards are those dedicated solely towards your academic subject, but you can also find quality help on general student messaging boards.

People contributing to these boards are usually very helpful; just do not expect them to do all your work for you. They should only be used to help you on parts of your paper, not the whole lot! Be very specific when asking for help and you will usually need to register to post a question on these boards. This is one of the best ways to answer your pressing question of ‘how can I write my research paper cheap?’

Office Hours

You are told the office hours of your professors, however, you will be shocked to learn how few students make use of these office hours. Office hours can be used to acquire help with any parts of the course that you are facing difficulties with. It is essentially a free service that allows you to gain 1-on-1 time with your professor.

If, at any point, you are stuck with a certain aspect of your paper, then you should look up your professor’s office hours and make use of them. Your professors will usually be eager to help someone who has made use of their office hours. This is one of the best ways to essentially buy research paper cheap.


Sharing ideas is a great way to acquire help with any parts of your paper that you may be struggling with. In this case, sharing ideas and asking your classmates about what they are writing about can be a good way to getting free help with your work. In return, your own knowledge may be able to also help them with parts they may be struggling with.

Using the advice outlined in this article, you will be able to purchase custom research paper advice at basically zero cost to yourself. Budgeting well is a large part of student life and making use of any free advice that you can get on your paper is pivotal to your success in your academic research writing.